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ProSafe Prime

Our first premium store opened as ​the​ pilot ion the 16th of March 2017 at the new 50 000m Springs Mall.The reason for the pilot being in Springs is to enable us to fine tune the model and to enable Prosafe to do the installations on our first stores sales.

The idea is a premium +- 30 sqm marketing and sales space positioned in a premium mall high traffic space to market premium focused security solutions in each of the core disciplines in the security industry. 

The stores was built in the Apple iStore type minimalist design with a premium pigeon hole display on one side wall for live demos of products and a huge video wall on the opposite sidewall made up of up to six 60" displays managed through a video wall control system. 


The demos will be hooked up to the video wall for immersive demonstrations. 


In the center will be the consultant’s desk at the back and premium couch, table and seating for clientele to be consulted with.

2022 - New Beginnings, We moved the Prime store to a new, bigger premises in New Era. 

ProSafe Online Sales & Marketing 011 362 5590 EXT 222

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