House Break Ins increasing during Day Time
House Break Ins increasing during Day Time
Most burglaries take place between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of home burglaries take place during daylight hours, not at night. That’s because most people are at work or school - which reduces the chance the burglar will be noticed.
Most criminals can burglarize a home in less than ten minutes. Burglars look for homes that are easy targets. That’s why it doesn’t take long for most intruders to break into a house, get what they want, and take off before being noticed.
An astonishing 34% of burglars enter through the front door. Whether they walk through an open front door or kick in a locked one, burglars aren’t shy about using your home’s primary entry point.
Burglars usually go to the master bedroom first. Unfortunately, most people don’t hide their valuable items carefully, and burglars know it. Once they break in, burglars head straight for the master bedroom, where they scavenge through dresser drawers and nightstands, look under mattresses, and search closets. Cash, jewelry, tv's, laptops and weapons are some of the things a burglar wants most from your home.
Someone is home during nearly three out of every ten burglaries.Coming home to find your material possessions stolen is frightening enough, but victims who are home when the burglary occurs experience even more trauma. A household member is present during approximately 28% of burglaries, and 7% of these victims experienced some type of violent crime.
Using a monitored home security system and taking precautions can help protect your family from a burglary.